Al verschillende jaren biedt de PSG ondersteuning aan ‘edu-carers’ om een 3-jarige Montessori training in Windhoek te volgen. Deze trainingen/courses zijn van zeer grote waarde voor de leerkrachten en daardoor voor de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Hiermee wordt het onderwijs aan de honderden jonge kinderen verbeterd, zodat zij meer kansen krijgen.
Uit het verslag van Phemela Totwe, coördinator in Gobabis, het volgende:

United child Care Association with the financial backing of the Project Support Group sponsored eleven edu-carers to be trained by Montessori Headstart College to do an Early Childhood Development Teachers Course, for three years, starting in the year 2020.
Apart from traveling to Walvis Bay for admission interviews and doing practical’s at Montessori-schools, students could not to do face to face tuition like in the past, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and they were doing most of the course online. It was a bit of struggle for some students because some don’t have computers, smart phones and internet was also a challenge.
The results were released recently, and all the students managed to pass. It means that nine students will be doing their second-year studies whilst two have completed their third year and have come to the end of the sponsorship.
I don’t see a better means of empowerment than this and I hope the PSG positive inclination towards people’s empowerment by investing in them remains the same!